Shop owner, Jen Roberts is filled with wonderful suggestions on the best Vermont hiking trails for all abilities.
In 2023, she completed the 3rd edition of AMC's Best Day Hikes in Vermont. Take a look at some of the central Vermont hikes she included in this guide and be sure to pick up a copy of the book for more detailed information!
This 4 mile out-and-back leads you to Mount Hunger's rocky, domed top - a summit that has been a favorite for hikers for hundreds of years.
The rugged spire of White Rock provides an adventurous hike and exhilarating views, well worth the 4.6 mile loop this moderately strenuous hike will take you on!
Enjoy a moderate 4.4 mile round-trip hike to a historical fire tower with intimate views of Granite Hill peaks and vistas of the highest Green and White mountains.
This craggy, windswept summit is one of Vermont's most famous peaks. Hike the east side via Monroe, Dean and the Long Trail for a 7 mile route. Hike the west side from the Burrows and Forest City trails for a 5.3 mile loop.
This mellow 2.2 mile round-trip hike along a rolling ridgetop of the Long Trail leads to western-facing ledges with a magnificent view of Lake Champlain and the Adirondacks.
Hike a beautiful, strenuous 5.2 mile round-trip section of the celebrated Monroe Skyline to find rare arctic plants and 360-degree views on this rocky summit.